Terms and conditions


It is the responsibility of Jobs In Fitness (“JI.F”) platform users to make sure their contact details including name, telephone number and email address on file are correct on the system.

This Website and the Goods and Services displayed on it are provided by Jobs In Fitness Limited (“JI,F”, “The Company”).

These are the terms and conditions, which apply to your use of this Website and the use and the purchase of any Goods and Services from us. If you do not agree to these Conditions, you must not use this Website.

This Website and the Goods and Services displayed on it are provided by JI.F and its subsidiaries.

When we refer to "you" and "your" we mean the user of this Website, purchaser of Goods or user of our Services.

You should read these Conditions carefully before using this Website or purchasing any Goods or Services from us.

We reserve the right to change these Conditions at any time. Any changes to the Conditions will be effective after the change is published on this Website.

You should check these Conditions before each order as they may have changed since your last visit. If you have any questions about the Conditions, the Services or this Website, please contact us using the contact details in the “Contact Us” section of this Website.

When the following words with capital letters are used in these Conditions, this is what they mean:


The term Monthly Membership refers to a monthly paying customer who pays by  Credit/Debit Card. Lead /Trial Customer, who has any credits loaded on their account and/or is using JI.F services with permission of JI.F is referred to as Trial User. Trail Users and Monthly Members are governed by the same Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

The membership agreement is between you, the member and JI.F, a company registered in England and Wales (Company Number 14395379), 55 Rowditch Lane, London, SW11 5BX.

By following the joining process to become a Member, either via our website (www.jobsin.fitness), Stripe, email, phone with JI.F team , or via third party platform, you are agreeing to accept the terms and conditions of this membership agreement.


The Monthly Membership Agreement automatically commences once you have completed the appropriate payment information along with your personal details and accepted the terms during the joining process. By accepting the terms, you are agreeing to pay any applicable Joining Fee and Monthly Membership Amount, which are shown at the start of the joining process and again before confirming your payment instruction.

The minimum term of all Monthly Memberships is a full calendar month – i.e. it starts as of the 1st day of the first full paid calendar month and lasts for the duration of that month. For example: if a Membership starts on 15th September, the minimum term would begin as of 1st October and last for the duration of October.

The Monthly Membership is a rolling month to month agreement payable in advance on the 1st of the month via your Credit/Debit card. 

As part of your membership agreement you are aware that JI.F uses the services of Stripe Inc. to process and collect your Credit/Debit Card payments. Stripe Inc. terms and conditions can be found on their website https://stripe.com/gb. JI.F does not store any customer payment information, please refer to Privacy Policy for further details.

Upon joining JI.F, all members will be required to purchase a £100 Joining Fee, payable prior to scheduling Onboarding Call with the JI.F team. Please note this is a non-refundable charge.

You are only entitled to use the services detailed in your membership agreement provided you continue to pay the appropriate monthly amount. Memberships are not transferable and no one else is allowed to use your membership to access the services. If your membership is used by another person, you will be liable to an extra 6 months membership fee.

JI.F will endeavour to collect all membership fees due on or around the collection dates communicated however, should any error in collections arise resulting in a membership fee not being collected JI.F reserves the right to subsequently collect all and any membership fees outstanding.

If your Credit/Debit card payment is declined for any reason your membership will be immediately suspended and access to services withdrawn and any outstanding credits frozen until that moment that the account is brought up to date. JI.F will re-attempt to collect your outstanding payment 5 times over the following month, and at any point after that throughout the month. If any of the attempts are successful your membership will be immediately re-instated. If after re-attempts to collect outstanding payment your Credit/Debit card is still declined for any reason your membership will be suspended with immediate effect and any access to the services denied. Under this Agreement you will still be liable for all outstanding month/s payment.

If you have cancelled your membership or your membership was terminated due to failed payment attempts, you will forfeit the right to any previous or historic discounted membership prices that have been applied to your account or any credits that you have outstanding on your account. If you wish to re-join, you can only re-join on current membership prices, having settled the outstanding amount owed.

JI.F reserves the right to change membership rates at any point.

Email communication to membership@jobsin.fitness is subject to a 3-day reply period, although every endeavour will be made to answer your query as soon as possible.


Recruitment credits do not form part of the Membership Fee and are purchased over and above the Monthly Membership fee. These are non-refundable.

You are only entitled to use the services relating to the Recruitment Credits provided you purchased the appropriate credit pack. Credits are not transferable and no one else is allowed to use your credits to access the services. If your credits are used by another person, you will be liable to an extra 6 months membership fee. If you freeze your membership, your credits will become frozen for the duration of the freeze unless they expire. If your membership is cancelled, Recruitment credits will be cancelled.  


All cancellations and downgrades must be made in writing by emailing us at membership@jobsin.fitness

All downgrades and cancellations are subject to 1 calendar month notice (i.e. from the 1st of every month for the full duration of the month).

Members on any monthly membership may cancel or downgrade their membership to a lower fee membership after or with effect from the end of the minimum term by giving one full calendar month’s advance written notice, effective from the 1st of the following month.

Your last payment will be a full month payment paid on the 1st of the month following the date your cancellation.

Once your cancellation email is received JI.F will confirm your cancellation via email and will endeavour to do so within 3 days of receiving your original cancellation email.


Monthly Memberships can be frozen for a period of minimum of 1 Month full calendar month running from the 1st until the 1st and Maximum of 6 Months; The freeze will occur from the beginning of the month (1st) until whenever you are ready to come back. All unused credits will remain frozen until you are ready to come back.

A monthly member must have a membership with JI.F for a minimum period of two full calendar months before freezing their membership.

JI.F will automatically reinstate the Frozen memberships after 6 months.

A fee of £10/month is applied to membership freezes.The freeze charge will occur from the beginning of the month until whenever you are ready to come back. If you would like to freeze your membership for the following month you need to email membership@jobsin.fitness before or on the 15th of the current month, or you will pay your usual membership rate for the following month. Your membership can only be frozen from the 1st of the month.

Membership can be reinstated at any point after the expiration of the 1st month and the monthly fee will be calculated on pro-rata basis.

Memberships cannot be cancelled from a Frozen state. If your membership is Frozen and you wish to cancel it, you must first reactivate your membership and pay for a full month. Following payment, you must then send an email to membership@jobsin.fitness stating your intention to cancel. 



Any promotional offers are only valid for the customers who have used the services of JI>F before.

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discounted Memberships or Recruitment Credits packages. 

Offer is only applicable when valid Credit/Debit Card details are stored during on line sign up process (see point 1 of Membership Agreement).

All other Terms & Conditions remain the same.


Discount is only valid until the end of your year agreement.

Once purchased, Annual Memberships are non refundable, however, are transferable if you wish to do so.

Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discounted Memberships or Recruitment Credits packages. 

Offer is only applicable when valid Credit/Debit Card details are stored during on line sign up process (see point 1 of Membership Agreement).

All other Terms & Conditions remain the same.


Once you sign up, you will schedule an Onboarding Call for a member of the JI.F team to set up a full list of requirements for we can guarantee that you receive the best possible service that best fits your requirements. Onboarding calls are an essential part of our service. We are sure that you can appreciate that the time of our team is important to us so all Onboarding calls must be rescheduled 24 hours in advance of the call.  

Early Cancel: call can be cancelled and rescheduled up to 24 hours before the call start time without incurring a charge.

Late Cancel: if a cancellation is made within 24 hours of the call start time or if you do not attend without notice ("no-show") you will be charged, £25 admin fee to schedule another call, and no refunds will be given.


You may opt out of email and SMS communications that we may send at any time by contacting us via email at membership@jobsin.fitness 

We cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred by you not receiving JI.F related communications.

Please let us know of any concerns by emailing us using the email address that we hold for you.


You agree to pay us the applicable monthly membership fee and joining fee (when applicable) on the date detailed during the online membership application process.

You agree to but credits in accordance with your requirements.

You agree to pay a fee to JI.F for any applicants and applicants CVs referred to you by JI.F and not hire JI.F candidates forgoing the fee.

You agree that your membership is non-transferrable under any circumstances.

You agree to keep us informed of any change to your personal details and contact information.

You agree to supply correct personal information, such as name, email, address, and phone number. Failure to do so may result in membership being suspended without notice. Reactivation fee of £10 may be chargeable to amend incorrectly supplied details.

You understand JI.F reserves the right to terminate any membership. You understand that this agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales.


Any additional services do not form part of your membership agreement with JI.F and are provided entirely by 3rd parties.

You are aware that any additional services you contract for or agree to pay for are done so entirely at your own risk and you are entering into an agreement directly with those individuals and not JI.F.

We will endeavour to ensure all 3rd parties supplying additional services on the premises have the relevant and applicable qualifications and insurance to provide the services you have contracted them for, however, you agree that it is your responsibility to check.

You agree and understand that we are not liable for any personal injuries, damages, or losses caused by any negligent act of those providing the additional services.We bear no responsibility for loss or damages of personal belongings left on site and unattended.




WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPLAINT - detailing all aspects, including any evidence and communications already received

Submit via email to our hello@jobsin.fitness

The receipt of your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days and will get reviewed by the manager and an independent member of the team and you will get a response with a solution/outcome within 14 working days. Where it is not possible to offer a solution within 14 working days you will be notified of the rationale and the expected timescale for the response to be provided.