Milan Khemlani

Milan Khemlani

Social Media and Partnerships Executive

Social Media and Partnerships Executive

How did you first enter the industry/ what were you doing prior?

I’ve always been interested in the fitness and wellness industry from being in every sport as a kid to getting into boxing and strength training as an adult. I’ve always been involved in everything from physical sports to mental wellness and wellbeing so I decided when I moved from Hong Kong to London the roles I would apply for would be in the industry that i had a passion for - which led me to working in Social & Partnerships at ATHLO, a fitness tech start up. It has been super exciting so far!

What has been your journey so far?

I’ve been given the opportunity to work with different people in the industry, some in tech, people in marketing and operations at boutique and large gyms and more in between. It's been such a pleasure to work with like-minded people wanting to better the fitness and wellness space here in London.

Highs and lows of your career?

Let’s start with the lows. It would be previous roles I had where I was working with brands and clients I felt I had no passion for. I liked the type of work I was doing but felt like my vision didn't align with theirs. The high has definitely been moving here, being more exposed to the work culture and community I hoped for and of course, being able to work with people who care about the same things I do and have a larger vision for wellbeing in its entirety.

What has been your biggest insight into the industry?

It is so very broad, especially here in London! There is so much to explore and so many ways to get involved. Now that I’ve entered the industry, I only want to be in it more. It is so accessible and all you need to do is learn about the different areas, find out which parts of it you love, work out how to get involved and execute.

What were your aspirations? What are they now and how have they changed since you first entered the space?

My aspirations were to work at a company connected to the field in some sense, where I could use the marketing & comms skills I gained in my previous role. I have managed to do that - which is amazing! But, I definitely think my aspirations have expanded. I'm now doing the certification to become a PT and nutritionist and plan to do that on the side as well. It's something I'm really looking forward to as I've had life changing experience with my PTs in the past and hope to be that for someone. My goal is to eventually be on the training side as well as the corporate side, really encompassing the many facets of the industry.

What do you love about the health and wellbeing industry and why would you recommend it as an environment to carve a career in?

Everyone is looking out for each other. Everyone is approachable and wants the best for you. It’s such a great industry to be a part of and to be able to connect with people within it has been a pleasure. There are so many different elements to it, and I love that the fitness industry has expanded to not just about improving yourself physically, but mentally as well. Personally I feel that there is something in the health and well-being industry for everyone who is interested and there is also so much to learn. I’d recommend it to anyone who hopes to better themselves and others, and who wants to be in a place where the focus is on positive change.