Leila Fitt

Leila Fitt

Senior Event Manager

Senior Event Manager

How did you first enter the industry/ what were you doing prior?

I have been working in events for 7 years within corporate, fashion and catering but have always wanted to work within the sports / fitness industry. I’ve dipped my toes in a couple of times but the opportunities were all temporary. An opportunity arose 2 months ago at More Life Adventures (MLA) and a friend I knew within the industry recommended me. Stella and MLA came at the perfect time when I wasn’t enjoying my previous job and I now couldn’t be happier that I made the move.

Highs and lows of your career?

I would say my highs have been that I’ve gained a variety of skills working in a range of different industries and for a wide range of clients.

My lows have certainly been that I haven’t been working in the right field so it’s been hard to get excited and passionate for something that wasn’t right for me. This has now changed!

What has been your biggest insight into the industry?

For me it’s always been so important to love what you do. We spend half of our living days working so it has to be something that excites you and motivates you. I spend a lot of my time outside work living and breathing health and fitness so I wanted to combine the two.

What were your aspirations? What are they now and how have they changed since you first entered the space?

I was pretty certain before that this was the industry for me but I am even more sure now. I love working with like minded people who have the same goals in mind and really care about making a positive impact in people’s lives.

What do you love about the health and wellbeing industry and why would you recommend it as an environment to carve a career in?

As we all know, having a healthy lifestyle and keeping fit do wonders for us not only physically but mentally. Seeing people live their lives in this way through MLA, brings me so much joy and a desire to get more people experiencing what we have to offer.