The top Tips and Tricks when writing a CV

The top Tips and Tricks when writing a CV

Tips and Tricks when writing a CV.

When it comes to putting together a CV that is reflective of you, there is a lot of outdated information out there. We have all been there - trying to cram as much as possible onto one or two pages. So, to make things simpler, here are some tips to take note of that will help when checking over or creating yours!

1.    Tailor your CV to the job

Customise your CV to fit the specific job you are applying for and make sure you call out the specific skills listed within the job description. It’s easy to just send the same CV out to everyone and everything you apply for but this really will payoff. Also try and avoid buzzwords – a generic CV can be spotted a mile away.

2.    Keep it clear and professional

Use a clean and easy-to-read format - bullet points to organise information and keep the document concise.

3.    Attach your profiles

Having your LinkedIn, Website or Portfolio, for example, linked, will really help bring it to life. The person hiring will always look at these things so the easier you make it for them, the more favourably they will look upon your application. However, only link your Instagram if it is something you are happy for your (future)boss to see!

4. Highlight your achievements

Instead of just listing your job duties, highlight your accomplishments and how you made a positive impact in your previous roles. It is important to quantify the data –there should be at least one data point per experience listed. This is always possible to do no matter what!

5.    Keep it concise

A CV should never be longer than two pages. You only need to include relevant information.

6. Include education and qualifications

List your education and any relevant qualifications, certifications or training programs you have completed.

7. Show your personality

Use your CV to show your personality and highlight your interests and hobbies. This can help employers get a sense of who you are outside of work.

8. Proof read

Finally, make sure to proofread your CV for errors and typos. Don’t give a potential employer the opportunity to dismiss you due to an avoidable error. Ask a friend to review it as well to ensure it is error-free!